In the heart of a small mountain village in China, a young boy named Jackson Hsia dreamt of exploring the vast world beyond the hills. Driven by ambition and a thirst for knowledge, Jackson moved to the bustling city of Shenzhen, where he embarked on a career in computer software development. However, fate had other plans for him.


While immersed in the world of codes and algorithms, Jackson stumbled upon the mesmerizing art of stainless steel sculptures. The sleek lines, reflective surfaces, and enduring strength of stainless steel captivated him in ways that no software ever could. It was an accidental encounter, but one that would change the course of his life forever.


With a heart full of passion and a mind set on mastering this newfound art form, Jackson began his journey into the world of stainless steel sculptures. He spent countless hours learning, experimenting, and honing his craft. His dedication and perseverance paid off as he transformed from a software developer to a visionary artist.


In 2021, Jackson founded Ikapur, a brand dedicated to creating exquisite stainless steel sculptures. What started as a small workshop has now grown into a 6,000 square meter production facility, where a team of skilled artisans brings Jackson's visions to life. Ikapur specializes in providing one-stop solutions for customized stainless steel sculptures, catering to clients who seek unique and timeless art pieces.

Under Jackson's leadership, Ikapur has become synonymous with innovation, quality, and artistic excellence. Each sculpture is a testament to Jackson's journey from a small mountain village to the forefront of contemporary art. His story is a celebration of passion, hard work, and the transformative power of art.


Today, Ikapur continues to push the boundaries of stainless steel art, creating masterpieces that inspire and captivate. With Jackson Hsia's unwavering commitment to his craft, Ikapur remains a beacon of creativity and excellence in the world of stainless steel sculptures.